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Simply H Photography


Hi there,

Thanks for your interest in Simply H Photography. Since you clicked on this you must be curious.
I am honored.
My adventure into the world of digital photography began when I bought my first DSLR after realizing the importance of having GOOD photos when making scrapbooks. I was making memory books of my little kids when I realized my point and shot camera could not tell my story well enough. Image

So after getting to know my own DSLR (with some help from online classes), I started sharing my knowledge. It started just with my scrapbooking buddies. We all knew it was essential to take great photos of our adventures and lives. Even though you have a great camera, it does not mean that you will automatically take great photos. So I have been helping people not only understand their cameras, but also the basics of good photography (for over 5 years and more than 300 wonderful students). Some have found their passion and gone on to start their own photography business.

I am a member of Professional Photographers of America (PPA). I do take my photography business serious, even though I do not share stuff on Facebook. Sorry.

So, have a look around my website and thanks for stopping by.

Go to www.simplyhphoto.com/

Happy Shooting,


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